Become a Tahoe-Pyramid Trail Volunteer!

The Tahoe-Pyramid Trail is an all-volunteer effort, with generous financial donations from supporters as well as governmental collaboration and matching funds grants.

As the trail becomes ever more popular and well known, it is the dedicated volunteers with a wide variety of skills and abilities, that allow the trail to grow and gain more popularity and wider use by locals and visitors to the area.

(if you are interested in Adopting A Trail Section please visit the Trail Adopter page >)

Dedicated Volunteers Are Always Needed…

In addition to obvious labor-type things, like trail maintenance, we need people to do title research, signs, GPS mapping, route inspection, design, grant writing, permitting, and public relations. And yes, single-task volunteers are great too, like ordering t-shirts or other promotional materials! We also need help photocopying, office supplies acquisition, and locating matching funds to support our grant awards. Please contact us to get involved in one of these all-important support functions!

(Please note: Volunteers do not “build trail” segments. The actual “trail building” is awarded to various “Trail Design Consultants and Engineers” and Specialty Contractors who have the experience, equipment and insurance to meet all the challenging requirements and compliance issues the trail must adhere to.
Also, we prefer long-term volunteers. Short-term volunteers, such as a single morning for trash pick-up, are not an ideal fit for our organization as this adds to our administrative and coordination workload. Generally, our projects and tasks benefit from a longer time commitment. If you have specific questions about long-term volunteer opportunities, please contact us with your questions.)

Current Specialized Skills Opportunities for Volunteers:


  • This task is just like a land developer only on a smaller scale. It requires the ability to obtain and understand parcel maps and topo maps; obtain title information; and talk to landowners about donating a trail easement.


  • As we save up money for the next trail section construction, we need someone to help us earn a little interest on our savings, without too much risk.


  • Hopefully, later in 2021, we will be able to report some events and new developments in trail planning. We need someone to get the word out to the media, both traditional and contemporary.


  • We sometimes have great film footage from videographers and drone operators, but we need help in editing them into a nice final product, with appropriate length, and sound.