The Trail held the annual Cookie Ride on Saturday, May 5th enjoying perfect timing weather-wise. Close to 70 riders enjoyed spring sun during their travels on the Trail, and delicious homemade cookies were eaten at Crystal Peak Park in Verdi!
Participants celebrated the 15th year of the opening of the Mogul Bike Path. The Procrastinating Pedalers arrived with 40 cyclists. The Tahoe-Pyramid Trail gratefully received over $329 in donations from participants. Founder and President Janet Phillips gave a short talk on the current status of the trail. Thanks go to Joan Pokroy who recruited over 12 bakers to supply homemade cookies…. and especially to those 12 bakers for delectable treats! Kris Hughes provided table decorations and cookie labels and assisted with setup.
Cookie bakers Anna Bell, Mystery Gal, Paul Hiyashi & Jocelyn Zarubi