Tahoe-Pyramid Trail
Future Trail Sections
There are two major sections of the Tahoe-Pyramid Trail not yet completed, which are described below:
1. Vista Blvd to Mustang

The popular river trail through Reno and Sparks ends abruptly near Vista Blvd in Sparks, due to the railroad. Our long-held hope is to bridge over the river and continue east on the pioneer trail, but this has been stymied by landowners and lack of support from the Storey county government. This 3-mile trail would extend to Lockwood, where it will connect to the 9-mile Mustang-Clark trail via Peri Ranch Road. This is the only missing link from Sparks to Tahoe Reno Industrial Center, including Tesla.
2. USA Parkway (Clark) to Wadsworth

This section of the Tahoe-Pyramid Trail is surprisingly difficult, due to the narrow canyon with both the railroad and freeway passing through. It is unknown at this time how the trail will be routed from USA Parkway to Derby Dam, but it is hoped that from Derby Dam to Wadsworth the dirt maintenance road alongside the Truckee Canal can be used. This requires cooperation from the private landowners, the Bureau of Reclamation, and the Truckee-Carson Irrigation District. The length of this section will be approximately 20 miles, depending on what route is eventually used. In the meantime, I-80 is the only way to travel along the river in this section.